I have always admired the way documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis dissected global issues and presented them in a new narrative to a larger audience via the BBC, like he did with his series “Century of the Self” and his latest film “HyperNormalisation”. Moreover, he has an excellent taste in music. So I was extremely pleased to be able to interview him extensively when he visited The Netherlands for Utrecht’s Impakt Festival. The result of that conversation has been published in Gonzo (circus) Magazine #143 (in Dutch).
For the online version of the same publication I recently wrote a long text, based on an interview, about Belgian artist Elke Andreas Boon, who currently has an impressive solo show at the Annie Gentils Gallery in Antwerp (B). You can find the piece here in Dutch, but the gallery is having it translated at this moment.
In September 2017, I was given the opportunity by the Flemish Art Institute to visit Marocco with the cultural exchange programme “Marocco Intersections“, together with several other art professionals from Belgium. It turned out to be a very interesting and truly informative experience.  We all wrote a report and mine was focused on the ubiquitous image of the Laughing Cow cheese brand, which you can read here.
Lastly, I am an avid fan of the work of Irish artist Elizabeth Magill so I was very honoured to be asked to write a text for the catalogue that accompanies her traveling solo exhibition “Headland”, initiated by the Limerick City Gallery of Art. You can order it from the gallery  and it is beautifully designed by David Caines Limited.